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Freefill Grant Scheme

Supported by The WCD Group

What is the Freefill Grant Scheme?

The Freefill Grant Scheme is available for applicants from UK based community organisations. However, we welcome applications from a wide variety of groups and entities. Our aim is to provide partial funding for water fountain installation projects where other funds are also being sought or are already in place.

Am I eligible for the fund?

The Freefill Grant Scheme is available for non-for-profit organisations, community projects, and outdoor spaces. However, we welcome applications from a wide variety of groups and entities.

Our aim is to provide partial funding for water fountain installation projects where other funds are also being sought or are already in place.

What will the funding cover?

Funding will aim to cover partial costs of the purchase and installation of new refill stations.

If approved for funding a grant of £750 per refill station will be granted.

How can I apply?

  • Complete the Application Form.
  • The grant fund is always open and applications are reviewed regularly.

Upon receipt of your application, you will be sent an acknowledgment that includes information regarding the timeline for the decision-making process and the subsequent steps. Once the grant panel has reached a final decision, we will notify you via email of the outcome of your application.

How will funding be allocated?


Application received


Evaluation completed by panel


Eligible applications shortlisted


Decision made and applicant informed in writing

The Grants Panel responsible for making funding decisions will be made up of both Freefill Trustees, with the input of our sponsor, The WCD Group. The panel will have complete freedom to decide how the funds are distributed. Their primary objective will be to verify that any receiving organization satisfies Freefill’s funding criteria and contributes to our charitable goals.

When will payment be made?

Payment typically takes around 4-6 weeks following the successful completion of the project. It is important to consider this timeline when determining the project start date.


Yes, we welcome applications from all charities.

Yes, we’ve given out several grants to schools, both primary and secondary.

Up to £750 per refill station.

"The human race will regret it if we don't act on plastic now."

Sir David Attenborough